• Q: If I have already submitted my documentation to HR for the ESEA designation, why do I have to do this again?

    A: SBOE (State Board of Education) requires this documentation in order to add the designation to your license. Your documents may already be uploaded, please check your SBOE Safe Account to verify.

    Q: Why can't CCS send or upload the documents that SBOE needs?

    A: Your Safe Account is private with SBOE and CCS does not have access to your account.

    Q: Why can't I add this designation when I renew my license, so I don't have to pay the $20.00 fee and the $25.00 fee to renew?

    A: SBOE will not allow this to be added to the license at the same time as you renew it.

    Q: My license does not expire until June 30th. Why do I have to renew my license by the end of the school year?

    A: This is a CCS guideline that all IA's who plan on returning for the next school year must have their license renewed by the end of the school year. Most IA's do not check their emails over the summer, so this is the best way to ensure all licenses are renewed.

    Q: I don't remember my username and password for SBOE.

    A: Please click “Forgot username/password?” link on the OH|ID portal. Please do not set up a second OH|ID account.

    If you need assistance, you can contact Profile.Help@education.ohio.gov.

    Q: What is the superintendent's signature on the application?

    A: This is CCS's IRN (Information Retrieval Number) 043802 Columbus City Schools.

    All other questions, please email license@columbus.k12.oh.us