District Announcements
Registration for Summer Experience Opens Feb. 8!
Registration for Summer Experience for elementary and middle school students is NOW OPEN!
The 2025 Summer Experience is FREE to all Pre-K through 12 Columbus City Schools students! Summer Experience for Pre-K through 8 students kicks off June 23, and June 9 for high school students. We're excited to provide CCS students and families with a summer of exciting school and community-based learning experiences. Click here to learn more.
School Announcements
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Will be held January 30 3-7:00pm and February 13 3-6:30pm
Signup for timeslots with teachers
The Whetstone Weekly Newsletter
Get all your WHS news in The Whetstone Weekly! Click here to view the latest and all past issues.
Show Your School Pride!
Show your school pride by purchasing a Whetstone Braves t-shirt! Click here for more.
Columbus City Schools is now offering a secure website for students and corporations to request student records online.
Watch our School Choice Fair video!
Northland High School Named an ESPN Honor Roll Special Olympics Unified Champion School
Northland High School has added yet another prestigious title to its name: ESPN Honor Roll Special Olympics North America Unified Champion School!
National Career Technical-Education Month: CCS CTE Program Reaches for the Stars!
Want your high school student to have a prestigious education in a specialized field? Columbus City Schools' very own Career Technical-Education is an almost perfect 5-star program, according to the Ohio Career-Technical Planning District State Report Card.
Columbus Promise Phase Two: Expanding Pathways for CCS Graduates
The future for Columbus City Schools graduates is brighter than ever as the Columbus Promise enters its second phase. This expansion cements the program’s role as a transformative force in higher education and workforce development, offering students a fully funded pathway to college and career success.
WATCH: Superintendent/CEO Dr. Angela Chapman Sends Message Ahead of Black History Month
Superintendent/CEO Dr. Angela Chapman sends a message of empowerment to students and schools ahead of Black History Month.
CCS Students Transform Ohio Department of Health with Vibrant Art Exhibit
Stepping onto the second floor of the Ohio Department of Health feels like entering a vibrant gallery, where 48 Columbus City Schools (CCS) students' creativity takes center stage.
Columbus City Schools Celebrates 22 Winter Graduates
Twenty-two Columbus City Schools (CCS) students crossed the finish line of their academic journey, proudly graduating during the District’s dynamic Winter Commencement Ceremony.
Public and Private Partners Launch Campaign to Fund Next Phase of the Columbus Promise
Leaders from the City of Columbus, Columbus State Community College (CSCC), CCS, I Know I Can (IKIC), and the Columbus Partnership came together today with lead private partners to announce a campaign to fund the next phase of the Columbus Promise.
CCS Announces 2025 Graduation Schedule
Columbus City Schools has released its commencement schedule for the Class of 2025.
Family and Community Engagement Series (FACES) - Mental Health Part II
Learn how students at the Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls are managing their emotions, and break the stigma of male mental health with Jewel Woods of the Male Behavioral Health & Center For Men & Boys.
Contact Us
Phone: (614) 365-6060
Email: whetstonehs@columbus.k12.oh.us
School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Whetstone High School
4405 Scenic Drive
Columbus, OH 43214