- Columbus City Schools
- English as a Second Language
English as a Second Language - ESL
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Welcome to the official web-page for the Columbus City SchoolsEnglish as a Second Language program.
The mission of the English as a Second Language (ESL) Program is to assure that English language learners (ELLs) receive a high quality education from qualified and caring professionals, the results of which are academic and social success.VISION
The Vision of the English as a Second Language (ESL)program is to facilitate proficiency of all English Learners within five skill areas: reading, writing, speaking, listening, and cultural enrichment. In addition, ESL will provide educational opportunities for LEP students to meet grade promotion requirements and graduation standards while becoming members of American society.
What is the ESL Philosophy?
Columbus City Schools recognizes the need for English language learners to have both oral and written skills in order to function successfully in mainstream American society. The ability to speak and understand English is, by itself, insufficient for effective progression in school. Proficiency in reading and writing is critical to students' academic achievement and comprehension of content material in all subjects.
What is the ESL Program Overview?
ESL is a multi-faceted program offering English language classes and content-area assistance to limited English proficient (LEP) students enrolled in Columbus City Schools.
The goal of the ESL Program is for students to acquire a level of English language proficiency that enables them to meet grade level promotion requirements, state-mandated graduation requirements, and, ultimately, to compete successfully in mainstream society. Columbus City Schools ESL program provides the following for its staff and students:
- Tutorial assistance in content area subjects
- An environment that fosters pride in native culture, establishes positive self-esteem, and facilitates acculturation into American society
- Bilingual personnel who act as a liaison between the home, school, and community
- Assistance to ESL and regular classroom teachers in best practices for working with students from diverse language and cultural backgrounds
Click here for Layers of Support Document
Click here to download the ESL Handbook (currently unavailable until reviewed and updated) -
Who Needs ESL?
In the Office for Civil Rights publication The Provision of and Equal Opportunity to Limited English Proficient Students (1992), it states that:
- First, school districts must identify all students whose primary or home language is other than English (PHLOTE).
- The district then needs to assess all PHLOTE students to determine if they are limited English proficient (LEP) and need special language assistance to effectively participate in the district's instructional program.
In order to assure that all potential LEP students are identified and offered ESL services, Columbus City Schools requires that any student who:
- Was born outside of the United States, in a country where English is not primary language OR
- Has one or both parents who were born outside of the United States, in a country where English is not primary language OR
- First learned to speak a language other than English OR
- Speaks a language other than English at home OR
- Be referred to the ESL Assessment Center for an English language evaluation to determine whether or not ESL services are needed.
NOTE: Children of American born parents stationed overseas in the military do NOT need to be enrolled through the ESL Assessment Center UNLESS they have been schooled in a language other than English.
Students who do not need ESL services are enrolled at their home school by the Assessment Center staff. Copies of enrollment documents and ESL assessment results are forwarded to the receiving school.
Students who do need ESL services are enrolled at a school with an ESL unit. Every effort is made to place students in a building that is as close to their home school as possible. Copies of enrollment documents and ESL assessment results are forwarded to the receiving school.
Please call (614) 365-5281 for information or to schedule an appointment.
What is the Initial Assessment and Placement?
The state of Ohio now requires the OELPS21 assessment to be used to screen all potential English learners. It must be administered at their assigned school after enrollment and within 15 days. In order to assign students to schools with the appropriate level of program support, we have created an ESL "Placement Tool" that is administered at Central Enrollment.
The placement tool is NOT a leveling test and is NOT administered to all students. It is only given to secondary students and to elementary students who have a home school without an ESL unit.
The Placement Tool will NOT give an English level; OELPS21 will give specific English levels. This tool does not assess students in writing, and, in some cases, only assesses students in one domain. It CANNOT give a level of English proficiency.
The placement tool will give a recommendation for school and program placement. These recommendations are intended as a guide for families and schools to find the best school placement for students. The goal of scheduling is for every student to be in classes that appropriately support and challenge them.
The following are the placement recommendations and their meaning.
Middle and High Schools:
- Home School - Student should be able to be successful in the mainstream classes
- Nearest ESL Unit (or Sheltered Site) - needs ESL support, should be scheduled into ESL English classes at minimum (may need additional support and can be scheduled as available)
- Nearest Sheltered Site - needs full ESL support and should be scheduled into the 4 sheltered classes
- Columbus Global Academy - needs Newcomer level support and should be at Columbus Global (9th GHrade only)
- Home School - Student should be able to be successful in the mainstream classes, and are likely to be able to succeed without extensive support.
- Nearest ESL Unit - needs ESL support, and may need the additional support of the pullout ESL program.
At the Elementary Level
- Language Acquisition - ESL teacher pulls small groups of pre-functional and beginner students to work on language acquisition
- Leveled Literacy Intervention – ESL bilingual assistants and some teachers provide reading intervention for students not “On-track” using LLI kits Math Literacy Intervention – Math literacy interventionists, ESL bilingual assistants and some teachers provide math support for students not “On-track”
- Push-In Program- Bilingual instructional assistants and ESL teachers go into general education classrooms to provide further support for ESL students
At the Middle School Level
- English Language Learners are scheduled to have English class with their ESL teacher
- The other classes are usually taken with mainstream students
- Bilingual Assistants provide support and reading intervention in general Ed classes
At the High School Level
- English Language Learners are scheduled to have English class with their ESL teacher
- The other classes are usually taken with mainstream students
- Beechcroft HS, Columbus Global Academy, Columbus North International HS, Independence HS, Mifflin HS, Northland HS, Whetstone HS, West HS and have sheltered courses (for example, a Science class only for ESL students, taught by a teacher certified in Science and TESOL
- Bilingual Assistants provide support and reading intervention in general Ed classes
Sheltered Sites
Sheltered Sites exist at Wedgewood MS (only English and Math), Johnson Park MS, Medina MS, Mifflin MS, World Language MS, Beechcroft HS, Columbus Global Academy, Columbus North International HS, Independence HS, Mifflin HS, Northland HS, West HS and Whetstone HS.
Middle and high school students with limited or no prior schooling or educational experience may attend the sheltered sites at these buildings.
These sheltered sites offer:
- In the middle school, Pre-functional and lower Beginner level students are scheduled for English and Math with ESL staff. They are also scheduled for Intervention in Reading (LLI). The rest of the day, they have classes with their native English speaking peers
- In the high school, Pre-functional and lower Beginner level students are scheduled for English, Math, Science & Social Studies with ESL staff. They are also scheduled for Intervention in Reading (LLI). The rest of the day, they have classes with their native English speaking peers
- At both sites, Pre-functional & Beginner level students receive Push-in support in other (elective) courses
- As students’ English improves, they are transitioned into more General Ed. Classrooms
Columbus Global Academy
High school students with limited or no prior schooling or educational experience may qualify for special assistance at the Columbus Global Academy.
Enrollment is based on:
- Be in Columbus City Schools for less than 2 years
- Perform at the Pre-functional or Beginner level
- Recommended by the Assessment Center or their previous school
- Enrollment must be approved by the ESL Department
- Parent must agree
Columbus Global Academy Offers:
- Subject and TESOL Certification
- Bilingual assistants
- Beginner level classes for students with little or no English
- All core classes meet district requirement=
- Reading clinic
- RTI (Response to Intervention)
Address 3700 S. High St. Columbus, Ohio 43207Phone: 614 365 8802 - Fax: 614 365 8786