District Announcements
Registration for Summer Experience Opens Feb. 8!
Registration for Summer Experience for elementary and middle school students is NOW OPEN!
The 2025 Summer Experience is FREE to all Pre-K through 12 Columbus City Schools students! Summer Experience for Pre-K through 8 students kicks off June 23, and June 9 for high school students. We're excited to provide CCS students and families with a summer of exciting school and community-based learning experiences. Click here to learn more.
Briggs High School Announcements
Important Upcoming Dates!
Jan. 7 World Language Palooza` -(student event)
- Jan. 9 High School Fair(zoom) 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Jan. 17 End of Quarter 2
Jan. 20 All Schools Closed - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 21 Professional Development Day Students Not in Attendance
Jan. 22 Records Day Students Not in Attendance
Jan. 29 Parent Teacher Conference 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Jan. 29 Briggs Entrepreneur Career Fair 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (Student, Briggs Alumni & Parent Event)
Jan. 30 Cohort 2027 - Sensational Sophomores Celebration 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm (student event)
Jan. 30 Mid-Year Award Assembly 8:45 - 10am (Student and Family Event)
Feb. 3 - Mar. 28 OELPA testing for ELL students begins
Feb. 4 Parent Teacher Conference 3:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Feb. 5 Professional Development Day Students Not in Attendance
Feb. 13 Lunch w/ Loved One 11:00-12:00 -Discuss OST Testing Requirements. (Student and Family Event) (RSVP by Feb.10th - 75 seat capacity)
Feb. 17 All Schools Closed
- SAT Testing - 11th graders Class of 2026 (Week of March 3rd)
- Mar. 5 Professional Development Day Students Not in Attendance
- Mar. 11 PSAT Testing 9th graders Class of 2028 (Week of March 10th)
- Mar. 11 & 12 Briggs HS Internship Fair
- Mar. 21 End of Quarter 3
- Mar. 24 OST English 2 testing begins
- Mar. 26 Records Day Students Not in Attendance
Attendance Student Sign In and Sign Out /Updates & Reminders:
- Per Columbus City School policy, parents are only allowed 9 parent authorized attendance excuses.
- Arrival - Student drop off REAR OF BUILDING as early as 7am (breakfast 7:00 am - 7:25)
- Dismissal - Pickup student REAR OF BUILDING 2:30pm
- Parents must come to the front of the building to sign a student out. Students will be called from their classroom when you arrive.
- Students that sign in after 10:00am must sign in with a parent/guardian.
Need Parent Portal Support?
Please call CCS Factline at 614-221-3228 or email parentportalaccess@columbus.k12.oh.us (in the email upload a picture of your photo ID, your name, your student's name and student's D.O.B)
ESL LANGUAGE ASSISTANCE CENTERTo assist parents, nurses, teachers and other school personnel with district communication needs between 7:30 A.M. – 4:30 P.M. Please Call ESL Department at 614-365-8802. Select the number corresponding to the language you require assistance with:- For Spanish Press #1
- For Somali Press #2
- For Nepali Press #3
- For Arabic Press #4
- For French Press #5
- For Swahili Press #6
- For Kinyarwanda Press #7
- For English Press #8
Join Us! Feb 4th Parent-Teacher Conference & FAFSA Workshop 3:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Sign-Up Links and Additional Information Click Here
2025 Graduation Schedule
2025 Spring Sport Sign-Ups
2025 Briggs Spring Sports Sign-Up - Click Here!
Principal Welcome Letter
Click Here - Briggs High School Welcome Packet (English)
Carta de bienvenida del director
Haga clic aquí - Paquete de bienvenida de la escuela secundaria Briggs (español)
Warqad soo dhaweyn ah oo maamulaha
Halkan Riix - Xidhmada Soo Dhawaynta Dugsiga Sare ee 24-25 Briggs (Somali)
Briggs Qtr. 1 Honor Roll & Super Honor Roll Students!
Dear Briggs Alumni, Parents, & Families,We need your support! Do you have a job that you're passionate about? Want to share what you do with our Briggs students? We want to hear from you!The Briggs Counseling and Support Team is hosting different specialized Career Fairs for some Briggs students. Each Career Fair will focus on a different career group, such as business, healthcare, cosmetology, and more! Please complete the form below by January 10, 2025, if you're interested in sharing your experiences with Briggs students. A member of the Briggs team will reach out to you for potential dates to participate.Click Link To Complete Career Fair Presenter Form - https://secure.smore.com/n/78jtp
Briggs School Choice Fair
Learn more about what Briggs High School can offer you! We have a highly talented staff and can't wait for you to learn more about our school.
Northland High School Named an ESPN Honor Roll Special Olympics Unified Champion School
Northland High School has added yet another prestigious title to its name: ESPN Honor Roll Special Olympics North America Unified Champion School!
National Career Technical-Education Month: CCS CTE Program Reaches for the Stars!
Want your high school student to have a prestigious education in a specialized field? Columbus City Schools' very own Career Technical-Education is an almost perfect 5-star program, according to the Ohio Career-Technical Planning District State Report Card.
Columbus Promise Phase Two: Expanding Pathways for CCS Graduates
The future for Columbus City Schools graduates is brighter than ever as the Columbus Promise enters its second phase. This expansion cements the program’s role as a transformative force in higher education and workforce development, offering students a fully funded pathway to college and career success.
WATCH: Superintendent/CEO Dr. Angela Chapman Sends Message Ahead of Black History Month
Superintendent/CEO Dr. Angela Chapman sends a message of empowerment to students and schools ahead of Black History Month.
CCS Students Transform Ohio Department of Health with Vibrant Art Exhibit
Stepping onto the second floor of the Ohio Department of Health feels like entering a vibrant gallery, where 48 Columbus City Schools (CCS) students' creativity takes center stage.
Columbus City Schools Celebrates 22 Winter Graduates
Twenty-two Columbus City Schools (CCS) students crossed the finish line of their academic journey, proudly graduating during the District’s dynamic Winter Commencement Ceremony.
Public and Private Partners Launch Campaign to Fund Next Phase of the Columbus Promise
Leaders from the City of Columbus, Columbus State Community College (CSCC), CCS, I Know I Can (IKIC), and the Columbus Partnership came together today with lead private partners to announce a campaign to fund the next phase of the Columbus Promise.
CCS Announces 2025 Graduation Schedule
Columbus City Schools has released its commencement schedule for the Class of 2025.
Family and Community Engagement Series (FACES) - Mental Health Part II
Learn how students at the Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls are managing their emotions, and break the stigma of male mental health with Jewel Woods of the Male Behavioral Health & Center For Men & Boys.
Contact Us
Phone: (614) 365-5915
Email: briggshs@columbus.k12.oh.us
School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.Fax: (614) 365-6964
Briggs High School
2555 Briggs Road
Columbus, OH 43223