- Columbus City Schools
- Overview
Human Resources
Page Navigation
- Overview
- CCS Jobs Website
Employee Information
- Educational & Professional Development -(Benefits and Opportunities)
- Employee Benefits
- Employee & Supplemental Contracts and Licensure
- Employee Forms
- Employee Relations
- Employee Verification
- Employment Agreements & Contracts
- New Employee Information
- Retirement & Resignation
- Talent Acquisition (Formerly: Employment & Staffing)
- Total Rewards
- Employment Opportunities
- Substitute Services
Human Resources
Columbus City Schools' Office of Human Resources seeks to lead, support, and partner to develop a culture that thrives on individual and organizational productivity and accountability, continuous improvement, diversity, and exceptional service.
The District’s Human Resources’ mission is based upon the belief that the success of the District, and its ultimate value, is primarily dependent upon its people; and that the development of the greatest potential for each employee will create job satisfactions and career opportunities for individuals and provide maximum benefit to the district.Accomplishing this mission requires commitment, efficiency and professionalism within a work environment built upon trust, dignity, pride and utmost attention and support for internal and external customers.
Visit the All-New CCS Jobs Website!
(Note: For candidates who are still in the process of receiving their licensure/certification, you are still able to apply for our positions that require licensure/certification)
Columbus City Schools is committed to building a culturally diverse workforce. Minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation or gender identity, national origin, disability status, or protected veteran status.
Online Training
PublicSchoolWORKS offers more than 400 online courses for school-based employees. Check with your supervisor to see what courses you should be taking, or click HERE to get started.
Workplace Injury Reporting
(NEW) PublicSchoolWORKS now offers online workplace injury reporting. All injuries are required to be reported through PublicSchoolWORKS within 48 hours. In addition, you must notify your immediate supervisor of any work related injury. Click HERE to get started.
Login Issues - email PublicSchoolWorks@columbus.k12.oh.us
Contact Us
Talent Department (formerly HR)Southland Center
3700 S. High Street
Columbus, OH 43207
Phone: 614-365-5602
Fax: 614-365-5652Employment VerificationsThe Work Number®1-800-367-2884(Employer Code 14232)(PIN = last four digits of your SSN plus your four-digit birth year)verifications@columbus.k12.oh.usClick HERE for more information on Employee Verifications.EXECUTIVE OFFICE:
Amy Grover
Chief Talent Officer/CHROMegan Brunner
Executive Assistant to Amy GroverCourtney HaleExecutive Director, Talent Management
Talent Acquisition
Tyree PollardDirectorPhone: 380-997-5989Fax: 614-365-8332Strategic Staffing
LaMeika RobinsonDirectorPhone: 614-365-8708Fax: 614-365-8332Total Rewards (formerly HR Administration)
VacancyDirectorLeaves Management: 614-365-6791Benefits: 614-365-6475Fax: 614-365-5652LinkedIn