Early Childhood Education

  • ECE Logo

  • 2024-2025 Pre-K Enrollment

    Pre-K students must be potty trained and 4 years old by September 30th to enroll. Families must complete the 2024-2025 Online Registration (OLR)  to begin the enrollment process. Enrollment appointments for ES, MS and HS will no longer be required, but are available as an option. The OLR application will open for Pre-K submission beginning January 3, 2024, with school selections beginning on April 3, 2024 via the Parent Portal.  The Online Registration applications will be processed in the order they are received, provided all necessary documentation is uploaded to the application. 

    Please take time to thoroughly review the Necessary Documents to ensure that your application is not delayed in processing. An income verification document must be uploaded to the application for Pre-K students. The  Pre-K Packet  can also be uploaded as the Eligibility Screening Tool. Once the OLR is processed, parents will receive their Parent Portal activation and additional information regarding next steps for school selection via an email from the Enrollment Specialist. Parents will then need to activate their Parent Portal in order to make their school selections when made available on April 3, 2024.

    If you have any questions, please contact eceenrollment@columbus.k12.oh.us.

Upcoming Dates

  • January 3, 2024  - Families can begin submitting the Online Registration (OLR) for the 2024-2025 School Year.

    April 3, 2024  - Pre-K families can start making school selections in the Parent Portal.

    July 8, 2024  - New Pre-K waitlisted families will be notified via email if space is available. Please continue to check your Parent Portal after this date.