"Inspired to Learn and Motivated to Excel"
Hello Falcon Families,
If you find interest in serving as a Family Ambassador, please see the below requirements and follow the link for additional information. Questions and/or concerns for Region 2 can be directed to Gherima Woldemariam via email: gwoldemariam10047@columbus.k12.oh.us.
The Family Ambassador:
(1) serves as a liaison between school and home, facilitating a partnership in support of scholar academic achievements.
(2) coaches and mentors’ families on how to be engaged members of the academic team;
(3) advises and trains families to address issues and to advocate on behalf of their child’s education.
(4) connects families to community-based services, school counselor and/or social worker;
(5) expands volunteer opportunities.
(6) maintains open communication with families regarding important school information (i.e. email, family bulletin board, newsletter, etc.).
(7) maintains a family resource center (where applicable).