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K-5/6 Field Day Games (Non-COVID)
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.
Field Day Resources (Non-COVID) Examples
K-5 Field Day US Games Curriculum
The above file is a document that will explain how to implement a field day event along with different types of field day games.
COVID Field Day Guidelines & Resources
Field Day Guidelines During COVID
- Evaluate available outdoor spaces on school property that can be used for Field Day. Identify multiple areas where Field Day can be held for different
- cohorts of students to minimize crowding by implementing station rotations throughout the playground in a clockwise/counter-clockwise direction.
- The school-wide COVID-19 response team should develop a plan for transporting students from the classroom to the designated Field Day area. Give students guidance on how to safely transition between areas while still maintaining physical distancing. Plan time to practice these transitions with students, if possible.
- Provide adequate adult supervision for Field Day. Ensure Field Day supervisors are trained in strategies to assist students in maintaining physical distancing and student conflict resolution, especially considering the impact of potential student trauma caused by COVID-19.
- Have students and staff wash or sanitize hands before and after Field Day. Use district COVID resources on handwashing as visual cues and reminders.
- Implement activities/games that do not require physical contact or for students to be in close physical proximity with each other as much as possible.
- Limit the use of equipment (e.g., balls, frisbees) and eliminate the use of equipment that would be passed between or shared by multiple students.
- If using play equipment, keep extra materials available in case a piece of equipment becomes dirty or unsanitary during an activity.
- Play equipment that will be touched or handled by students should be cleaned with soap and water and then disinfected with an EPA-approved disinfectant that is effective against COVID-19 and is safe for that piece of equipment (check manufacturer recommendations). Disinfectants should only be used on materials that students are not likely to put in their mouths.
COVID Field Day Resources
Click here for the OPEN National Field Day Curriculum
This curriculum includes a Virtual Field Day ideas as well!
Below are the “Top 10 no-equipment/social distancing” how to videos which are part of the OPEN National Field Day Resource Document which can be implemented as Field Day Stations.
- Click here for the "Crab Walk Relay"
- Click here for the "Over/Under Relay"
- Click here for the "V-Sit Relay"
- Click here for the "Long Jump Relay"
- Click here for the "Locomotor Relay"
- Click here for the "Leg Pass Relay"
- Click here for the "Scavenger Hunt"
- Click here for the "Fitness Relay"
- Click here for the "No Hands Kickball"
- Click here for the "Rock Paper Scissors Battle"
Additional Resources for Field Day Activities and Implementation Ideas